_I suppose some things never change_


My ongoing saga -> So far consists of; As follows...

*My 25 sum years on this planet has been full of extravagant and fulfilling situations ranging from experiencing the wonders the earths and unique cherished personal relationships that I hold so dear to my heart.* 

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_A Trip Titled "Life"_
     …being brought up on a mountain top that over looked great views on either side of my home. I’ve lived within steps of a beautiful beach, and have traveled and resided on the west and east coast of the US. I’ve spent time in the mountains of Mexico and months in Europe, living in a gorgeous chateau and traveling to many ancient cities on a weekly basis. I have lived the city life; as well the suburban life.

     I got to know cities such as LA, NYC, Denver, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Syracuse, Ithaca, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, Atlantic City, Charlotte, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Boston, Portland, Boca Raton, Richmond, Kitty Hawk, Vale, the Hamptons, Carcassonne, Avignon, Marseille, and Paris. I’ve enjoyed incredible experiences horse back ridding on the sands of the Mediterranean Sea, and lived on a 34 foot yacht in the ports of Marina Del Rey, Redondo Beach, and Long Beach. My adventures have included snorkeling off the Keys of Florida, sailing to Anacapa Island, hiking the tops of the Rockies, white water rafting rivers of Northern California, and sun bathing on the beaches on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

     I have lived sumptuously, as well as poor. I have had cars worth 200 bucks, and great luxury vehicles. I’ve lived in a house in Beverly Hills to a couch at friends.

     I have had personal relationships and have befriended with many credence’s of almost every subculture; from Black, Brown, White, Yellow & Red. From Muslim to Jewish. Christian, Catholic, Coptic; Nigerian, Pakistani, Israelis, Mexicans, Peruvians, Colombians; and so on to those who I never knew, nor ever thought to ask, let alone cared from where they may have origins. My peer groups hold no specific guidelines or requirements. I have and do enjoy the company and conversations with those who label themselves as republicans, democrats; conservatives, moderates, liberals, independents, nihilists, as well as uninformed. I have no preconceived notions or predetermined judgments on any individual beings, despite status and/pr title of gay, straights, - homeless, eccentric artists who live about their own spirituality and also "so called" cut straight edged, clean cut, dignified scholars. Within my realm and upbringing of close family friends, they include some of who are of great fame and public notoriety. Some who hold Oscar and Grammy winnings; and of course some who you’ll never know of or hear of their name, but there greatness to me is no less.

     --For this vastness of diversity, I am so thankful and illustrated;
 I am continually driven to further expand such memoirs and monographs of what we call "life"...




Hey, it gave me some "gracefulness".



I always say, Keep your freinds close. -- 




---- Me, proud to have just cast my offical Vote for the '09 election.

           *My folks back-in-the-day!



I don't think so...
